While Confederate Statues Come Down, Other Symbols Targeted


RALEIGH, North Carolina (AP) — Spectators in North Carolina’s capital cheered Sunday morning as work crews finished the job started by protesters Friday night and removed a Confederate statue from the top of a 75-foot (232 meter) monument.

Across the country, a peaceful protest in Portland, Oregon, against racial injustice turned violent early Sunday after baton-wielding police used flash-bang grenades to disperse demonstrators throwing bottles, cans and rocks at sheriff’s deputies near downtown’s Justice Center.

News outlets reported that work crews acting on the order of Democratic North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper removed the statue Sunday morning and began taking down the obelisk on which it stood.

Sunday’s work follows the removal of two other Confederate statues on the state Capitol grounds in Raleigh on Saturday.

Cooper ordered the statues removed after protesters toppled two other Confederate statues Friday night, stringing one up by the neck and hanging it from a light pole.

“Monuments to white supremacy don’t belong in places of allegiance, and it’s past time that these painful memorials be moved in a legal, safe way,” Cooper said in a press release Saturday.

A 2015 law bars removal of the statues without approval of a state historical commission, but Cooper said he’s acting under a public-safety exception to the law out of concern for the danger presented when protesters seek to topple the statues themselves.

Cooper has advocated the statues’ removal for years. Republicans, though, blamed him for not ordering police to take a tougher stand Friday night to protect the memorials.

In Baltimore, a statue and memorial to George Washington in a city park were vandalized with red paint.

The Baltimore Sun reports that the memorial in Druid Hill Park in northwest Baltimore also had the words “Destroy Racists” and the initials for the Black Lives Matter movement written on the base.

Police said Sunday morning that they had not received any complaints about the vandalism.

Baltimore removed several statues and memorials linked to the Confederacy in 2017.

As statues and memorials to the Confederacy have been targeted across the South, prompted by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, protesters have also at times targeted Founding Fathers who were slaveholders, including Washington.

In California, protesters over the weekend targeted statues and busts of former President Ulysses Grant, who commanded the Union Army that defeated the Confederacy; Francis Scott Key, who wrote “The Star Spangled Banner;” and Spanish missionary Junipero Serra, who is credited with bringing Roman Catholicism to the western United States. Grant and Key were both slave owners at points in their lives.

In another case in California, symbols of the Black Lives Matter movement have been targeted in recent weeks with vandalism. Three men, including employees of a sheriff’s office and district attorney’s office, were arrested in connection with the vandalism of a Black Lives Matter sign.

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office said late Saturday that a tarp painted with the letters “BLM” has been repeatedly damaged in Thousand Oaks. The sign’s owner posted an image of the damage on social media, and the office says detectives recognized a suspect as a sheriff’s office employee.

The worker was issued a misdemeanor vandalism citation and placed on paid administrative leave. Another person investigated for vandalism to the sign worked for the county district attorney’s office.

Portland police and Multnomah County sheriff’s deputies arrested several people after a group of protesters pulled down a fence cordoning off the center, tossed objects including fireworks at officers and ignored repeated warnings to disperse, police said in a statement. It said some people shined lasers into the eyes of deputies.

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About the Headline Photo: The statue of a Confederate soldier and plinth sit on a flatbed truck at the Old Capitol in Raleigh, N.C., on Sunday, June 21, 2020. After protesters pulled down two smaller statues on the same monument Friday, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper ordered the removal of several other monuments to the Confederacy, citing public safety concerns. (AP Photo/Allen G. Breed)




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2 Thoughts to “While Confederate Statues Come Down, Other Symbols Targeted”

  1. 83ragtop50

    The haters can remove all of the statues that they want but it does not change history.

    Maybe they will erect statues of Lincoln who freed the salves in Confederate States but kept slavery alive in the North. Oh, and he also shut down newspapers that were critical of him. In other words he spat upon Constitutional freedoms.

  2. William Delzell

    Move these confederate statues to a special room in a museum with disclaimer signs that describe them as monuments to a discredited regime. Explain to visitors why these statues are morally repugnant, which would be far more effective than tossing them into the garbage heep.
